Last Updated on March 9, 2014 : :

Italian Spinone Club of Great Britain


All Age Field Trial

Melbourne Hall Estate, Derbyshire 16th Jan 2007 

Judges – Tony Russell &Geoff Hargreaves. 



1st – Steve Robins’s GSP Collwarick Masquerade

3rd – Ray Davies’s IS Freshetin Merletto 

Guns Award – Ray Davies’s IS Freshetin Merletto 

Judges Report

The dull, drizzly, miserable weather which has been so prevalent since the turn of the year, in combination with the survival skills of January pheasants presented a difficult task for all, at the Italian Spinone Club All Aged Stake held by kind permission of Lord Ralph Kerr at the Melbourne Hall Estate on Tuesday 16th of January 2007.

A difficult task, not only for dogs and handlers, but equally for the judges and indeed the spectators.  However, this was more than compensated for by the excellent organisation, the quality of the ground and the enthusiasm of the keeper, Jack Iliffe, who besides being a skilled professional is also a renowned field trialler, all of which combined to provide a good day’s sport for all participants. 

The action took place almost entirely in woods, which varied from densely under grown strips, through areas clothed in loose brambles, to open woodland, which the plentiful, wily birds were able to exploit, enabling them to test not only the dogs but the snap shooting skills of the guns. 

There was an interesting mix of seven different breeds and the standard of work was equally varied with the winners being worthy of their awards whilst some were clearly not up to All Aged standards and others fell by the way-side through simple training deficiencies. 

Three dogs were taken to the water test which was in an arm of a large lake ideally suited to our purposes far superior to the inadequate little splashes that feature in too many field trials. This provided a true test of the dogs’ attitude to water entailing a swim of about forty yards with a deep entry and exit. Unfortunately, one of the dogs decided it was too late in the day to start swimming so we only had two award winners at the end. 

The eventual winner was drawn number one and that was where he remained throughout, having established his competence right from the off. He covered his ground methodically and thoroughly, adjusting his pace to suit the varying conditions and remaining rock steady to departing birds whether flushed or not as indeed he did with shot birds. He was totally at one with his handler and responded quickly to all instructions, he produced the best point of the day on his second run standing well back on a bird concealed in the Iightest of cover and flushed immediately on command, unfortunately, this bird was not shot. 

He completed the water test adequately after requiring some handling to locate the retrieve and the judges had no hesitation in awarding him first prize. 

The other award winner was placed third after covering is ground well and finding and pointing game efficiently. He was also well handled onto two long, blind retrieves which entailed negotiating both sides of a wide, deep gully, an achievement which won him the guns’ award. He completed his water test in a very competent manner. 

After the awards were completed at 3pm the company repaired to the local hostelry, where an enjoyable meal had been arranged. 

In all an enjoyable day, despite the weather, thanks to the organisers and every-one involved in its conduct. 

Tony Russell

Geoff Hargreaves