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167 |
6,265 |
224 |
12,071 |
231 |
9,920 |
184 |
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625 |
43,114 files in 809 albums and 26 categories with 0 comments viewed 374,620 times |
A Agnalotti.jpgA Agnalotti34 views2000 LKA
Open Limit PGD.JPGOpen Limit PGD2 views2008 Driffield
Mistral-DelSubasio_28729a.jpgMistral-DelSubasio2 views2016 Southern Counties
N-DixieChick.jpgN-DixieChick10 views2005 Richmond
C Juturna.jpgC Juturna12 views2002 Hampshire Gundog
M-Cuba.jpgM-Cuba4 views2007 Driffield
A-DramaQueen.jpgA-DramaQueen6 views2006 SthWales
E_MrSandman_3.jpgE_MrSandman3 views2020 Crufts
I_Fiorella.jpgI_Fiorella8 views2019 WELKS
S-Borodin.jpgS-Borodin7 views2008 Bournemouth
BOB Challenge-2.jpgBOB Challenge10 views2014 Crufts
C-Zelbio-1.jpgC-Zelbio6 views2018 Midland Counties
VD.jpgManchester123 views2020 ManchesterMar 23, 2021
YB.jpgCrufts118 views2020 CruftsMar 23, 2021
Puppy_Bitch.jpgBoston47 views2020 BostonMar 23, 2021
T-IrmaCapece.JPGYorkshire Gundog October37 views2019 Yorkshire Gundog OctMar 23, 2021
T-BackForGood.jpgYorkshire Gundog February41 views2019 Yorkshire Gundog FebMar 23, 2021
Wolf-DelSubasio.jpgWindsor43 views2019 WindsorMar 23, 2021
Wess-DelMontecani_3.jpgWELKS51 views2019 WELKSMar 23, 2021
YearlingDog.jpgSouth Wales KA40 views2019 SWKAMar 23, 2021
T-DoWhatYouLike.JPGSKC August33 views2019 SKC AugMar 23, 2021
Wolf-DelSubasio.jpgSouthern Counties48 views2019 Southern CountiesMar 23, 2021
Open_class-1.jpgRetford30 views2019 RetfordMar 23, 2021
Wess-DelMontecani.JPGNational Gundog41 views2019 National GundogMar 23, 2021